A nugget of Big Medicine every day. #68 CSB Syndrome
The first time it happened I freaked out.
I’d never seen anything like it. One moment she was walking across the porch. The next she was down on her side taking slow breaths, eyes partially closed, and looking like she was losing consciousness as her body went limp.
Di scooped her up in her arms as I was thinking “Stroke or maybe seizure”
And then she was fully-awake again. Wow.Di gently put her back down on her feet on the grass to see if she could hold her own. She seemed fine.
And then she walked out of the shade and into a patch of full-on sunshine and was down on her side again, taking slow deep breaths with her eyes partially closed.
What was I supposed to do? Nothing in my paramedic training had prepared me for this moment.
How do you resuscitate a stroked-out chicken?
That was my introduction to CSB Syndrome.
Chicken Sun Bathing Syndrome.
As it turns out, our hens love nothing more than to find a sunny spot on the lawn, lay down on one side or the other, spread their wings and take in the warmth of the sun.
The other day I was headed out to run some errands. When I opened the door to the back porch, there were sun bathing hens on every step and on the paving stones at the bottom of the stairs. They looked up at me in unison, grudgingly got up to their feet and wandered back toward their coop – pausing occasionally to munch on bugs or to pick at the clover.
CSB Syndrome.
Be well. Practice big medicine.