Be well. Practice big medicine.

Signing thanks

by Hal Newman

One of my close friends and colleagues in EM, Elizabeth Davis first introduced me to the concept of signing a thank you to the troops – starting with my hand over my heart and then putting my hand out – a thank you from the bottom of my heart. At first I felt self-conscious when signing my thanks to a soldier however after seeing their reactions that salute/sign has become a regular feature of my ‘vocabulary’ when I cross paths with someone courageous enough to don the military uniform and volunteer to serve.

Expressing my thanks via such a simple gesture never fails to elicit a significant smile or wave or expression of surprise from the soldier. And it never fails to make my day seem just a bit brighter.

The gesture transcends borders and politics.

Here’s the link to the Gratitude Campaign. Check it out. One thank you sign at a time…

Be well. Practice big medicine.

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