[Stanstead QC]–When a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound? Well if it lands on your house at 4 o’clock in the morning, it makes one hell of a racket. There was a big rumble, the dog barked – and then let loose with his anal glands […]
Hal Newman
Stanstead QC–Our out-of-hospital care system needs to be redesigned by people who are dedicated to the needs of the end-users [I despise the words ‘patient’ or ‘beneficiare’ because ‘patient’ implies you must wait before receiving care and ‘beneficiare’ implies that healthcare is a benefit – and not a basic right] […]
Stanstead QC–This enote is a bit like shooting-the-rapids-on-the-stream-of-consciousness so bear with me. Last evening I was wearing my firefighting gear [always interesting to literally change hats] assessing flood damage in our area after a very rapid snowmelt and heavy rain. Something that I read in an Economic Gardening presentation struck […]
Stanstead QC–I believe that a strong Emergency Medical Service – including first responders – sends a strong message to all parts of a community. We care enough about each of you to ensure that there will be qualified care providers by your side as quickly as possible each and every […]
[Traduction du document original de Hal Newman: “A minifesto for the Quebec Prehospital Care System” par Dominic Archambault Jan 23 2011 Montreal QC]–Un manifeste pour le Système Pré-hospitalier du Québec [Mar 27 2009] Notre système de soins externe (hors-hôpital) se doit d’être revu par des gens qui sont dédié aux […]
Stanstead QC–I wonder if there might be a link between the relative anonymity of the producers of beef and the impending demise of the family beef cattle farm in Canada? It’s not like anyone who consumes beef knows where the meat comes from, what the conditions are on the farm, […]
Stanstead QC–Pietro said it sounded as if something had fallen from a truck driving too fast down Stage Road. Trucks often drive at breakneck speeds past the ‘Please be careful. This could be your child’ signs so it didn’t require an enormous stretch of the imagination to think that one […]
Stanstead QC–On my flight from Washington-Dulles to Burlington, Vermont I was lucky enough to sit down next to Andrea. Actually, that’s not entirely true. We were originally seated across the aisle from one another however then a mom with four kids came aboard and a child sat in the empty […]
I was on a call with longtime friend and colleague Mike Ramsey when Emma and Sophie – and their friend Hanna – burst into my office this morning to breathlessly announce they’d found a bear’s bed out in the far corner of our property, near a stand of wild blackberry […]
Please take a moment or three to ponder Passage Quilts – a hands-on bereavement process. From the artistic genius of Sherri Lynn Wood. Since 2002 Sherri has been working with people through collaboration, consultation and commission to make improvised quilts from the clothing and materials of everyday life. This practice […]