I’m a day time guy. In my latest EMS existence in Shefford, I work the day shift. Six am to six pm. Granted, in the middle of February, daylight begins just after 7 am and ends just after 5 pm but I still get to operate in the day time. […]
Hal Newman
As the Director of Marketing for IPS Therapeutique* I tend to work from home most of the time. My home office is pretty much standard albeit with the addition of multiple monitors to allow me to simultaneously work on crafting content, creating graphics, editing social media, and staying up to […]
The Resurrection Man He looked into the fridge. There was a shelf full of yogurt cups. He scanned the expiration dates stenciled on the top. He picked a lemon yogurt cup sporting yesterday’s date as its best before moment. He paused before opening the container. There were three possibilities. The […]
I am stubborn. My wife warned me not to try and change that lightbulb on my own. She told me I ought to ask our neighbour from across the street to lend me a hand. I waited for her to go over to one of her friends for tea and […]
A nugget of EMS organizational wisdom every day. #8 Give up your seat on the raft. If I could whisper just one bit of advice into your ear it would be to find your own pathway to physical fitness. Find that path and make that journey part of your everyday […]
Stanstead QC–Our out-of-hospital care system needs to be redesigned by people who are dedicated to the needs of the end-users [I despise the words ‘patient’ or ‘beneficiare’ because ‘patient’ implies you must wait before receiving care and ‘beneficiare’ implies that healthcare is a benefit – and not a basic right] […]
Stanstead QC–This enote is a bit like shooting-the-rapids-on-the-stream-of-consciousness so bear with me. Last evening I was wearing my firefighting gear [always interesting to literally change hats] assessing flood damage in our area after a very rapid snowmelt and heavy rain. Something that I read in an Economic Gardening presentation struck […]
Stanstead QC–I believe that a strong Emergency Medical Service – including first responders – sends a strong message to all parts of a community. We care enough about each of you to ensure that there will be qualified care providers by your side as quickly as possible each and every […]
[Traduction du document original de Hal Newman: “A minifesto for the Quebec Prehospital Care System” par Dominic Archambault Jan 23 2011 Montreal QC]–Un manifeste pour le Système Pré-hospitalier du Québec [Mar 27 2009] Notre système de soins externe (hors-hôpital) se doit d’être revu par des gens qui sont dédié aux […]
Stanstead QC–I wonder if there might be a link between the relative anonymity of the producers of beef and the impending demise of the family beef cattle farm in Canada? It’s not like anyone who consumes beef knows where the meat comes from, what the conditions are on the farm, […]