Il vient un temps dans la vie de chacun, où il vaut mieux vivre le moment que de le questionner et/ou le défier à outrance… Nous avons tous répondu à des appels qui tombaient dans la zone dite « grise »… soit la Dead Zone des services d’urgence, dont l’instruction théorique ne […]
Ghosts (part 1) by Norm Rooker How many of you have read Joe Connelly’s 1998 semi-fictional book ‘Bringing Out The Dead’? Joe, a former New York City EMS paramedic, spun a very realistic tale of the dark side of EMS. The parts they don’t tell you about, or at best […]
Stanstead QC | December 13- Big Update to Announce: The quest to build The Playlist for The Big One now includes an opportunity for artists to submit their tunes to Big Med on Sonicbids. For those of you who don’t know, Sonicbids helps bands get gigs and promoters book […]
I am stubborn. My wife warned me not to try and change that lightbulb on my own. She told me I ought to ask our neighbour from across the street to lend me a hand. I waited for her to go over to one of her friends for tea and […]
Stanstead QC–Our out-of-hospital care system needs to be redesigned by people who are dedicated to the needs of the end-users [I despise the words ‘patient’ or ‘beneficiare’ because ‘patient’ implies you must wait before receiving care and ‘beneficiare’ implies that healthcare is a benefit – and not a basic right] […]
Stanstead QC–I believe that a strong Emergency Medical Service – including first responders – sends a strong message to all parts of a community. We care enough about each of you to ensure that there will be qualified care providers by your side as quickly as possible each and every […]
Stanstead QC–Pietro said it sounded as if something had fallen from a truck driving too fast down Stage Road. Trucks often drive at breakneck speeds past the ‘Please be careful. This could be your child’ signs so it didn’t require an enormous stretch of the imagination to think that one […]
by Hal Newman Natasha Richardson died yesterday. She succumbed to injuries suffered on a beginner’s trail at the Mont tremblant ski resort. She was 45-years-old. Some folks have suggested that a neurosurgeon and an MRI within two hours of injury might have made a difference. Sacre Coeur Hospital is a […]