I’m a day time guy. In my latest EMS existence in Shefford, I work the day shift. Six am to six pm. Granted, in the middle of February, daylight begins just after 7 am and ends just after 5 pm but I still get to operate in the day time. […]
I wrote this stream-of-consciousness piece as a ‘soundtrack’ for a series of mixedtapes sent to a few well chosen friends. Have you ever considered Condition White? Condition White is the lowest end of the mental awareness spectrum developed by American law enforcement instructor Jeff Cooper. Condition White, according to the […]
This was the eulogy I crafted for Dr. Peter Cohen’s farewell service on September 5, 2014 in Verdun QC. — Faith. That’s the word that comes to mind when I think of Peter Cohen. He had such faith. I met Peter for the first time when I was in […]
Intro from Hal: Norm Rooker’s been away from these pages for far too long. He’s back with this classic whitewater ride down the stream-of-consciousness. When Norm reminisces about his early days it primes my own memory machine. So, here’s one that many of my colleagues like to dredge up each […]
Stanstead QC–Our out-of-hospital care system needs to be redesigned by people who are dedicated to the needs of the end-users [I despise the words ‘patient’ or ‘beneficiare’ because ‘patient’ implies you must wait before receiving care and ‘beneficiare’ implies that healthcare is a benefit – and not a basic right] […]
[Traduction du document original de Hal Newman: “A minifesto for the Quebec Prehospital Care System” par Dominic Archambault Jan 23 2011 Montreal QC]–Un manifeste pour le Système Pré-hospitalier du Québec [Mar 27 2009] Notre système de soins externe (hors-hôpital) se doit d’être revu par des gens qui sont dédié aux […]
A couple of weekends ago I was driving across the New Mexico high desert and singing along with the Village People for all I was worth with a big ole grin on my face and joy in my heart. The reasons were many and involved both past and present. I […]
A couple of weekends ago I was driving across the New Mexico high desert and singing along with the Village People for all I was worth with a big ole grin on my face and joy in my heart. The reasons were many and involved both past and present. I […]
by Hal Newman Our out-of-hospital care system needs to be redesigned by people who are dedicated to the needs of the end-users [I despise the words ‘patient’ or ‘beneficiare’ because ‘patient’ implies you must wait before receiving care and ‘beneficiare’ implies that healthcare is a benefit – and not a […]
This was the key phrase that averted a minor catastrophe and put the best end to that was playing out to be one of those “you’ll never believe this” mini-dramas at two in the morning last fall, around a tree, in downtown Ouray, Colorado. My bride and I had been […]